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My time in IM-Tools 

Sin­ce May 2020, I have been as­si­gned to the IM-Tools team.
Here, in­ter­nal ap­pli­ca­ti­ons are de­ve­lo­ped that are used to coll­ect data for the In­for­ma­ti­on Ma­nage­ment department.

At the be­gin­ning I got an in­tro­duc­tion to the team, their tasks and pro­jects. In ad­di­ti­on, I was al­lo­wed to choo­se right at the be­gin­ning in which di­rec­tion I wan­ted to go, front­end or ba­ckend. I de­ci­ded on the front­end and was then al­lo­wed to fa­mi­lia­ri­ze mys­elf with An­gu­lar, a front-end web ap­pli­ca­ti­on frame­work, with the help of a tutorial.

With the help of the tu­to­ri­al I lear­ned the ba­sics of An­gu­lar and Ty­pe­script, and with this know­ledge I could start my own small project.
The goal was to de­ve­lop a “Ve­hic­le App” whe­re you can add, edit and de­le­te cars. With this pro­ject I was able to con­so­li­da­te my exis­ting know­ledge and gain a lot of new experience.

Af­ter I fi­nis­hed the pro­ject, I was al­lo­wed to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the sprint.
Here I was able to pro­gram smal­ler re­qui­re­ments for the ap­pli­ca­ti­on, e.g. a tool­tip that dis­plays a url. Fur­ther­mo­re I could fix some bugs.
By par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the sprints I not only got to know the team mem­bers bet­ter, but also their way of working and deal­ing with each other.

De­spi­te the cur­rent si­tua­ti­on due to which we were most­ly busy in the home of­fice, I was able to get a good im­pres­si­on of the team and was al­ways well sup­port­ed when I had questions.

I am loo­king for­ward to my fur­ther time in IM-Tools and to my pro­ject work, which I will also wri­te in this team.

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