First home of­fice ex­pe­ri­ence as a trainee

Due to the cur­rent Co­ro­na Pan­de­mic, I have been ma­king my first home of­fice ex­pe­ri­ence for a week now. I have al­ways ima­gi­ned it very plea­sant to work from home and many things are go­ing as ex­pec­ted. I can sleep a va­luable time lon­ger and still start working at the same time. Even af­ter work, just ta­king off the head­set and tur­ning off the lap­top to go to lei­su­re time is very plea­sant. But the­re are also some di­s­ad­van­ta­ges that you might not be awa­re of be­fo­re your first day at work in your own four walls. For ex­am­p­le, the neigh­bor who works on his hedges and trees with a brush-cut­ter and chain saw can be a dis­trac­tion and make it dif­fi­cult to con­cen­tra­te. What I par­ti­cu­lar­ly miss, ho­we­ver, are the short cof­fee breaks and lunch with the other trai­nees. Ge­ne­ral­ly it was very quiet around me on the first day. 

From the se­cond day on, ho­we­ver, the­re was al­re­a­dy a so­lu­ti­on for this pro­blem. Sin­ce then I have a mee­ting every working day on a Team­Speak ser­ver with some other trai­nees. So we can help each other with ques­ti­ons and pro­blems. It also crea­tes an of­fice-like at­mo­sphe­re, which in turn be­ne­fits my mo­ti­va­ti­on. If I en­coun­ter a pro­blem that even my trai­nee col­le­agues can’t sol­ve, I can quick­ly reach my in­s­truc­tor eit­her with a mes­sa­ge or a pho­ne call via Mi­cro­soft Teams. Most of the usu­al mee­tings in my team were also held on­line be­fo­re the home of­fice, so the­re are no ma­jor ch­an­ges. 

Even though I like working from home so far, I’ll be glad when the cri­sis is over and ever­y­thing re­turns to nor­mal. For my la­ter pro­fes­sio­nal life af­ter the training, I can ima­gi­ne an al­ter­na­ti­on of home of­fice and re­gu­lar of­fice life. 

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