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Team event at CARUSO

From 30.07. to 01.08. our team met in Leip­zig for a team event. All par­ti­ci­pan­ts ar­ri­ved on Tues­day and af­ter ar­ri­val we had time to get to know the city.

Wed­nes­day be­gan with a team get-tog­e­ther whe­re we ex­ch­an­ged up­dates on our pro­jects. In the af­ter­noon, we went out­side for an out­door es­cape room.

On Thurs­day, we roun­ded off our team event with a gui­ded city tour of Leip­zig. The tour of­fe­red us in­te­res­t­ing in­sights into the histo­ry and cul­tu­re of the city be­fo­re we hea­ded home. 

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