Experience report Mario
Software Developer

I began my training as an IT specialist for application development in September 2012 at TecAlliance in Weikersheim and successfully completed it in August 2015.
At the beginning of my apprenticeship, I moved from my home to near Weikersheim. The move was a big step for me, but I never regretted it afterwards. During my training at TecAlliance, I was well introduced to working life. Also the learning contents around the programming and what is needed for it were always well and understandably mediated to me, although I had before little experience in handling programming languages.
After my training I was taken over by TecAlliance and started to work in a team with external service providers. This cooperation meant new challenges, that had to be mastered. This included communication with other software developers who were not in the same company. I was very pleased that I was given the trust and responsibility for this right after my training.
In addition, TecAlliance always has the opportunity to train through courses, trade fairs, etc. in order to meet the ever new challenges. I am currently completing my advanced training as an IT project manager and am looking forward to further successful years at TecAlliance.