Experience report Christian
Research Engineer
I started at TecAlliance (formerly AuDaCon) 2011 after completing my high school diploma at the business high school.
The first step was an apprenticeship as an IT specialist (specialising in application development). I then completed my Bachelor’s degree in Applied Computer Science in cooperation with DHBW Mosbach. Since the IT field covers many more topics and I would like to deal with them even more deeply, I started my Master’s degree at CAS Baden-Württemberg in October 2018. This now runs part-time with approx. 3 days of attendance per month. This makes the CAS Master’s program very compatible with the profession.
I joined the Research & Innovation team in 2017. This team designs, develops and tests research projects and initial prototypes. This allows me to expand my knowledge into many different areas of computer science.
This allowed me to develop a digital language assistant in cooperation with Continental (link to article on TA page). I was able to expand my knowledge in machine learning to accelerate our data production, as well as design and implement a reporting platform to check our web services on a daily basis. Furthermore, prototypes and applications were developed to support our employees in data acquisition.
With TecAlliance, I have found a company that has always supported me during my learning.