Ex­pe­ri­ence re­port Christina

Sa­les Ser­vice Representative

I star­ted my training at TecAlliance (form­er­ly Au­Da­Con) as an of­fice ad­mi­nis­tra­tor in Sep­tem­ber 2004 and suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted it in July 2007.

Af­ter my training I work­ed from Au­gust 2007 to Fe­bru­ary 2013 as an of­fice clerk in the sa­les de­part­ment, whe­re I was re­spon­si­ble for in­voi­cing, quo­ta­ti­on pre­pa­ra­ti­on, all se­cre­ta­ri­al tasks and cus­to­mer ac­ti­va­ti­on of our sys­tems. I also al­ways en­joy­ed hel­ping out at trade fairs and other com­pa­ny events, as this was a gre­at op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to know the cus­to­mers personally.

For a short time from March 2013 to April 2013 I was then em­ploy­ed as an as­sistant in the Re­se­arch & De­ve­lo­p­ment team, which was then dis­sol­ved again with the take­over of Au­Da­Con by TecAlliance. The­re I brief­ly sup­port­ed our pro­ject ma­na­gers and even had my own pro­ject, for which I was then to de­ve­lop a func­tio­ning sys­tem with va­rious de­part­ments in the company.

In May 2013 I mo­ved back to my pre­vious area of sa­les ser­vice due to the take­over and the dis­so­lu­ti­on of the re­se­arch and de­ve­lo­p­ment de­part­ment. Here I now sup­port our Fleet & Lea­sing de­part­ment as Sa­les Ser­vices Representative.

The take­over has brought many po­si­ti­ve ch­an­ges for me and I am very hap­py that I am still part of the com­pa­ny af­ter 15 years.


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Re­se­arch Engineer

Ju­ni­or Data In­te­gra­ti­on Specialist

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