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Christ­mas party

Last Thurs­day, we ce­le­bra­ted our Christ­mas par­ty in Wei­kers­heim. Tes­ted, in com­pli­ance with the hy­gie­ne con­cept and wrap­ped up warm­ly, some col­le­agues went to the Christ­mas mar­ket set up at the com­pa­ny car park. Thanks to the love­ly de­co­ra­ti­ons that crea­ted a pre-Christ­mas atmosphere.

De­spi­te the coo­ler tem­pe­ra­tures, no one had to free­ze, as hea­ters war­med us from out­side and mull­ed wine or punch war­med the in­si­de. Ple­nty of food was also pro­vi­ded, such as sand­wi­ches from the cold buf­fet, warm soup or Bel­gi­an waffles.

The tra­di­ti­on that all new­co­mers at the TecAlliance are al­lo­wed to sing so­me­thing tog­e­ther could also be fol­lo­wed again this year. So the sound of some Christ­mas ca­rols fil­led the night.

We are very hap­py that the Christ­mas par­ty could take place again this year and would also like to thank the or­ga­niza­ti­on team for plan­ning this beau­tiful evening!

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