AR Tech­no­lo­gie: My re­sults from the stu­dent re­se­arch project

Hel­lo ever­yo­ne, nice that you found your way to this blog ar­tic­le. My name is Mo­ritz Fink-Ne­cker­mann and I’m stu­dy­ing In­dus­tri­al En­gi­nee­ring and Ma­nage­ment with a fo­cus on In­no­va­ti­on and Pro­duct Ma­nage­ment at the DHBW Bad Mer­gen­theim, in my fifth prac­ti­cal se­mes­ter. In this ar­tic­le I would like to tell you a litt­le bit about my stu­dent re­se­arch pro­ject, which I wro­te du­ring the 5th theo­ry semester. 

With the start of the fifth theo­ry se­mes­ter in Oc­to­ber 2019, the work on the stu­dent re­se­arch pro­ject also be­gan. In con­sul­ta­ti­on my pro­ject su­per­vi­sor, I de­ci­ded al­re­a­dy towards the be­gin­ning of Sep­tem­ber to work on the to­pic “Fe­a­si­bi­li­ty ana­ly­sis for the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of sys­tems en­gi­nee­ring at the ex­am­p­le of the Ar­nold Um­form­tech­nik GmbH & Co. KG: Pos­si­bi­li­ties and re­com­men­da­ti­ons for design”. 

The fo­cus of the stu­dent re­se­arch pro­ject was the use of Mi­cro­soft Ho­lo­Lens.  The Ho­lo­Lens is a so-cal­led AR-glas­ses, which en­ables the wea­rer to see ho­lo­grams in th­ree-di­men­sio­nal real space. The DHBW Bad Mer­gen­theim has been in­vol­ved in ap­pli­ed co­ope­ra­ti­on pro­jects for se­ve­ral ye­ars now to as­sess the ad­van­ta­ge­ous ap­pli­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ties of the MS Ho­lo­Lens in ever­y­day in­dus­tri­al life. The part­ner com­pa­ny with which I could work du­ring my stu­dent re­se­arch pro­ject was, as the title of the pro­ject sug­gests, the Ar­nold Um­form­tech­nik GmbH & Co. KG. Co­in­ci­den­tal­ly, one of the cont­act per­sons on the part of the part­ner com­pa­ny was also a lec­tu­rer at the DHBW, who I al­re­a­dy knew from my third se­mes­ter, more pre­cis­e­ly from the sub­ject “Con­s­truc­tion Theo­ry II” 

Af­ter I had spent a few days at the be­gin­ning of the pro­ject deal­ing with the ba­sic tech­ni­cal func­tion­a­li­ty of MS Ho­lo­Lens and the re­pre­sen­ta­ti­on of CAD (Com­pu­ter-Ai­ded-De­sign) ob­jects as ho­lo­grams, I was able to take up the first re­qui­re­ments of the com­pa­ny re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves in a pro­ject kick-off mee­ting. Out of this first mee­ting the con­tent of the stu­dy work mo­ved away from the 3D re­pre­sen­ta­ti­on of ma­chi­nes, towards the so-cal­led “re­mo­te sup­port”. This area of ap­pli­ca­ti­on of Ho­lo­Lens aims to as­sist ser­vice tech­ni­ci­ans on site re­mo­te­ly du­ring main­ten­an­ce or ser­vicing work. The use of such tech­no­lo­gy can pay off from many dif­fe­rent an­gles. On the one hand, the num­ber of busi­ness trips of ex­perts (e.g. en­gi­neers, …) can be si­gni­fi­cant­ly re­du­ced and re­la­ted cos­ts can be cut. On the other hand, a fast and re­lia­ble re­pair or main­ten­an­ce and thus the re­duc­tion of ma­chi­ne-re­la­ted down­ti­mes can be gua­ran­teed for customers. 

In or­der to de­ter­mi­ne which soft­ware so­lu­ti­on is the best in the area of re­mo­te sup­port, part of the stu­dent re­se­arch pro­ject was a soft­ware com­pa­ri­son fol­lo­wed by a la­bo­ra­to­ry test. Af­ter I had fi­nis­hed this and other to­pics, such as a cost ana­ly­sis, I was fi­nal­ly able to print and hand in the the­sis. 😊 The fi­nal re­sult of the pro­ject is a do­cu­men­ta­ti­on over 6 chap­ters and 57 pa­ges, which I was al­lo­wed to pre­sent to the com­pa­ny re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves on Ja­nu­ary 21st. 

The use ca­ses of Aug­men­ted Rea­li­ty tech­no­lo­gy are al­most un­li­mi­t­ed and will be­co­me more and more re­le­vant in the fu­ture in in­dus­try, but also in other sec­tors such as me­di­ci­ne. Fi­nal­ly, I am very hap­py that I got the op­por­tu­ni­ty to wri­te my stu­dent re­se­arch pro­ject about a cur­rent, prac­ti­ce-ori­en­ted to­pic like this one. 

Here is a link to a (Ger­man) news­pa­per ar­tic­le::,-bad-mergentheim-interessantes-kooperationsprojekt-_arid,1593571.html

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