All’s well that ends well

Last Thurs­day, two of my trai­nee col­le­agues and I took our oral – and thus last – ex­ami­na­ti­on for our training.  

The day star­ted with us go­ing to Heil­bronn ful­ly pa­cked and loo­king for so­me­thing to eat on site. The choice fell quite quick­ly on the clas­sic: ke­bab. 

Af­ter we were streng­the­ned, we made our way to the car and from the­re to the exam room with all the uten­sils we took with us. 

Once the­re, the ner­vous­ness in all of us in­creased. We sat in the cor­ri­dor in front of the ex­ami­na­ti­on room and were just wai­ting to be cal­led. One of us had to wait a who­le 2 hours, which made it even less be­ara­ble.  

Sin­ce the­re were th­ree of us and we all pre­sen­ted one af­ter the other, we did­n’t have to dis­as­sem­ble and re­as­sem­ble pre­sen­ta­ti­on equip­ment like bea­mer, lap­top etc. every time, but could lea­ve ever­y­thing un­til the end. We also had to dis­in­fect only once at the end. All this made sure that we fi­nis­hed ever­y­thing 30 mi­nu­tes ear­lier than plan­ned, so that on the way back we could go in a very re­la­xed way in or­der to re­ward our­sel­ves with an ice cream. ? 

Due to Co­ro­na, we did­n’t get the re­sult, whe­ther we pass, di­rect­ly af­ter the tech­ni­cal dis­cus­sion. Ever­y­bo­dy of us has a good fee­ling in ge­ne­ral, but we have to trem­ble un­til the IHK sends us the re­sults by mail. 

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