Trai­nee-Of­fice 2022

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Af­ter the start on 01.09. and the on­boar­ding weeks, the new trai­nees and stu­dents went to the Trainee-Office. 

As you can ima­gi­ne from the name, the fo­cus was on lear­ning new things and get­ting star­ted with ever­y­day pro­gramming. We were taught the ba­sics of pro­gramming with C# and were soon able to wri­te small pro­grams.  

Our first real pro­ject was the so-cal­led “aqua­ri­um”. With this pro­ject we were prac­ti­cal­ly thrown in at the deep end and in­iti­al­ly had to find our way around on our own. Ho­we­ver, when we got stuck, the in­s­truc­tor sup­port­ed us. He gave us hints and ex­plai­ned our in­di­vi­du­al pro­blems in gre­at de­tail so that we could quick­ly un­der­stand why they were oc­cur­ring and what the best ap­proach to sol­ving them was. In ad­di­ti­on, the other trai­nees and stu­dents were al­ways at ones side and we tried to sol­ve pro­blems tog­e­ther.  

An­o­ther pro­ject we work­ed on was a car­pool app. With this we had to save the data from the user and call it up af­ter­wards. Our in­s­truc­tor gui­ded and sup­port­ed us with his tips on how to pro­gram this app. We were gi­ven a lot of free­dom, which is why the pro­jects are very dif­fe­rent from one an­o­ther, alt­hough the task was the same for ever­yo­ne: “Crea­te a func­tion­al car­poo­ling app”. 

The­re was a plea­sant working at­mo­sphe­re and a po­si­ti­ve at­mo­sphe­re th­roug­hout. This way we could talk to the other trai­nees and stu­dents and get to know them bet­ter. In ad­di­ti­on, the trai­ners also tal­ked about their ever­y­day work, gi­ving an ad­di­tio­nal in­sight into what is done in the va­rious de­part­ments and how they work.  

The first months in the lear­ning of­fice are now over and none of us trai­nees would have thought that we would learn so much. We are loo­king for­ward to the next months and the pro­jects that lie ahead. 

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