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Team event on Tenerife

My trip to Tenerife

Hi, my name is Jo­han­nes, and I’m in my third year of training to be­co­me an IT spe­cia­list for ap­pli­ca­ti­on development.

I am curr­ent­ly as­si­gned to the web ser­vices team in the RMI busi­ness unit. As the en­ti­re team met for a week in Te­ne­ri­fe this De­cem­ber, I also had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to take part.

The week was fil­led with a wide va­rie­ty of mee­tings: from ge­ne­ral know­ledge ses­si­ons to cur­rent pro­jects and a look ahead to next year. The­re were also some team-buil­ding ses­si­ons that would have been dif­fi­cult to im­ple­ment on­line. Out­side of the mee­tings, I had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to know the lo­ca­ti­on and the em­ployees the­re better.

In ad­di­ti­on to the busi­ness part, we also un­der­took other ac­ti­vi­ties, such as a tour of the Tei­de vol­ca­no, tasting Ca­na­ri­an cui­sine or re­la­xing and play­ing in the apart­ment. On the last evening be­fo­re our de­par­tu­re, we took part in the Te­ne­ri­fe lo­ca­ti­on’s Christ­mas par­ty. To sum up, the trip was a gre­at op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to know the team, the team­’s pro­jects and TecAlliance in ge­ne­ral bet­ter and to broa­den my per­so­nal horizons.

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