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Our in­tern­ship workshops

TecAlliance of­fers in­tern work­shops for which in­te­res­ted IT stu­dents can ap­p­ly. The in­tern­ship work­shop lasts one week, du­ring which stu­dents have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to know the com­pa­ny and some pro­gramming languages.

The first two days the trai­nees learn the ba­sics of HTML and CSS. The re­mai­ning days of the week they get an in­sight into the world of Py­thon and Raspber­ry Pi. Af­ter each small to­pic, the in­terns are gi­ven tasks to mas­ter by them­sel­ves or with the help of the trai­nees, this is whe­re the stu­dents can try their hand and prac­ti­ce what they have learned.

This week on Mon­day I su­per­vi­sed my first trai­nee and I re­al­ly en­joy­ed pas­sing on my know­ledge and gi­ving a small in­tro­duc­tion into the world of web programming.

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