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My time in IT-Ops

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From Sep­tem­ber 2020 un­til the end of the year, I was as­si­gned to the IT-OPS department.
In the area I work­ed in, in­ter­nal ap­pli­ca­ti­ons and pro­to­ty­pes for our Share­Point were de­ve­lo­ped with the help of the Mi­cro­soft Power platform.

At the be­gin­ning I was in­tro­du­ced to what would hap­pen in the next weeks and I was also as­si­gned a task, the de­sign of an ap­pli­ca­ti­on with the help of which ever­yo­ne can un­sub­scri­be or re­sub­scri­be from dis­tri­bu­ti­on lists for e.g. in­ter­nal newsletters.

In this con­text, I was not only taught how to de­sign user-fri­end­ly ap­pli­ca­ti­on in­ter­faces with Mi­cro­soft Power­Apps, but also how to develop/script with Power­Shell and how to ac­cess in­ter­faces such as Share­Point lists or the Ac­ti­ve Directory.

Fur­ther­mo­re, I was taught project/time ma­nage­ment skills by or­ga­ni­zing this pro­ject but also in­ter­ac­ting with in­ter­nal cus­to­mers. An­o­ther im­portant point of my time at IT-OPs was the tea­ching of pre­sen­ta­ti­on ba­sics to prepa­re for our oral fi­nal exam, in which we also had to pre­sent our fi­nal pro­ject. For this pur­po­se, I was al­lo­wed to prepa­re a pre­sen­ta­ti­on every two weeks on a to­pic of my choice and then pre­sent it in front of my colleagues.

De­spi­te the cur­rent si­tua­ti­on, due to which I was only em­ploy­ed in the home of­fice, I was able to gain a good im­pres­si­on of the team and was al­ways well sup­port­ed when I had questions.
All in all, I re­al­ly had a lot of fun du­ring my time at IT-OPs and was also able to learn useful skills that will not only be useful for my fi­nal exam.

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