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My se­mes­ter ab­road in Ireland


my name is Jo­nas Biba and I’m curr­ent­ly spen­ding a se­mes­ter ab­road in Ire­land (Dub­lin, to be pre­cise) as part of my dual stu­dy pro­gram in “Di­gi­tal Busi­ness Ma­nage­ment”. For­t­u­na­te­ly, TecAlliance is pro­vi­ding me with a lot of or­ga­niza­tio­nal and fi­nan­cial sup­port. Even though I’ve “only” been here for just over a month and will spend an­o­ther th­ree months in Ireland/Dublin, I can only ad­vi­se all (fu­ture) stu­dents at TecAlliance now: Take this op­por­tu­ni­ty! Such a se­mes­ter ab­road can also bring you so much fur­ther per­so­nal­ly and you sim­ply ex­pe­ri­ence so many unfor­gettable mo­ments du­ring this time. You will meet so many new peo­p­le so quick­ly, make fri­ends with them and get out of your own com­fort zone.  Espe­ci­al­ly Ire­land, which is also known in Ger­ma­ny as the “Emer­ald Isle”, of­fers spec­ta­cu­lar land­scapes and sights such as the Cliffs of Mo­her, which can be seen in the pic­tures. On the other hand, it is also known for its count­less pubs, which of­fer a uni­que at­mo­sphe­re. I could ex­pe­ri­ence this mys­elf in Dub­lin, whe­re the pubs li­te­ral­ly line up. For this, one also gl­ad­ly ac­cepts the so­me­ti­mes ra­ther mo­de­st wea­ther and the ad­mit­ted­ly high cost of living.

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