From idea to fi­nis­hed App – in just 4 months

On Sep­tem­ber 23rd some stu­dents said good­bye to us who will be at the DHBW in the next months. So our group of 18 new trai­nees and stu­dents had drop­ped to 9 and we could fi­nal­ly move to the lear­ning of­fice of TecAlliance in Wei­kers­heim. For the time be­ing, we work­ed on other pro­gramming tasks pro­vi­ded by our trai­ners.  

When the­se tasks were fi­nis­hed, we star­ted to work with da­ta­ba­ses (SQL). Af­ter a de­tail­ed ex­pl­ana­ti­on the­re were some exer­ci­s­es to get a bet­ter un­der­stan­ding of this to­pic. For ex­am­p­le, we crea­ted our own da­ta­ba­ses, con­nec­ted them with a test pro­gram and tried out some func­tions. 

Af­ter two weeks we had com­ple­ted most of the work and have now star­ted our first own pro­ject. Du­ring the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the pro­ject ma­nage­ment we had the idea to crea­te a car pool ap­pli­ca­ti­on. The pro­ject ran­ged from plan­ning the user in­ter­face to struc­tu­ring the da­ta­ba­se be­hind it. Af­ter two weeks we had fi­nis­hed our pro­grams. Each group had crea­ted its own app with its own im­ple­men­ted idea. Af­ter this com­ple­ti­on we were en­cou­ra­ged to im­ple­ment and re­place se­ve­ral other small things (in­clu­ding code cle­a­nups). Some who were a bit fas­ter with the fur­ther im­ple­men­ta­ti­ons im­pro­ved their in­ter­face with a clear GUI (gra­phi­cal user in­ter­face, see pic­tures). When this hap­pen­ed, we gave a short pre­sen­ta­ti­on among our trai­nees to get an over­view into the dif­fe­rent pro­grams.  

This small pro­ject gave us a gre­at in­sight into the pro­cess of pro­ject plan­ning and its im­ple­men­ta­ti­on. In ad­di­ti­on it was no­ti­ceable, with how many dif­fe­rent so­lu­ti­ons you can sol­ve tasks and problems.

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