Ex­pe­ri­en­ce­re­port Anna-Lena

Sa­les Ser­vice Representative 

In Sep­tem­ber 2017, I was able to start my dual stu­dies in in­dus­tri­al en­gi­nee­ring at TecAlliance. Du­ring my stu­dies, I was able to gain a lot of in­sight into the com­pa­ny du­ring the prac­ti­cal pha­ses. Among other things, I work­ed for a while in In­for­ma­ti­on Ma­nage­ment, So­lu­ti­on Ma­nage­ment, Field Ser­vice and Sa­les Ser­vice and was able to get to know the­se departments.

Af­ter com­ple­ting my stu­dies, I was ta­ken on as a Sa­les Ser­vice Re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ve in the Data Ma­na­ger RMI de­part­ment from 1 Oc­to­ber 2020. My day-to-day work main­ly con­sists of in­voi­cing and pre­pa­ring of­fers for the RMI busi­ness unit. I work a lot with my col­le­agues from the RMI field ser­vice. Other ac­ti­vi­ties in­clude pro­ces­sing cus­to­mer en­qui­ries and do­cu­men­ting and main­tai­ning cus­to­mer data in the CRM. Va­rious pro­jects, new sys­tems or new pro­ducts, such as the Te­cR­MI Ser­vice Book, also enable co­ope­ra­ti­on with other de­part­ments of the TecAlliance. This makes the work va­ried, you have cont­act with many dif­fe­rent col­le­agues and you can al­ways learn so­me­thing new.

I am very gra­teful to have been ta­ken on in the RMI busi­ness unit. I re­al­ly en­joy my tasks the­re and it is ge­ne­ral­ly a very good team with which I would like to con­ti­nue working and which I can only recommend 😊.

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