Ex­pe­ri­ence re­port Daniel

Ju­ni­or Soft­ware Developer

Hel­lo, I am Da­ni­el See­ber­ger and fi­nis­hed my app­ren­ti­ce­ship as IT spe­cia­list in the field of ap­pli­ca­ti­on de­ve­lo­p­ment in Fe­bru­ary 2019.
I com­ple­ted my training in the Cus­to­mer Ap­pli­ca­ti­ons de­ve­lo­p­ment team and swit­ched to the Data-Dis­tri­bu­ti­on Team afterwards.

As the names sug­gest, the first team deals with the de­ve­lo­p­ment of ex­ter­nal pro­grams meant to be used by the cus­to­mer and the lat­ter with all the ways we dis­tri­bu­te and ma­ni­pu­la­te our data for in­ter­nal and ex­ter­nal purposes.

Alt­hough I al­re­a­dy knew most of my new col­le­agues, the Data Dis­tri­bu­ti­on team was for­med re­la­tively re­cent­ly and I had no pri­or ex­pe­ri­ence working on the­se spe­ci­fic to­pics. So I spent most of the first year get­ting mys­elf to know most of the new tech­no­lo­gies, sys­tems and pro­grams and was hel­ped a lot by my colleagues.


Curr­ent­ly I am working on au­to­ma­tiza­ti­on sys­tem that is in­ten­ded to hea­vi­ly de­crease the ma­nu­al work nee­ded to pro­cess, ge­ne­ra­te and de­li­ver data to our cus­to­mers or for in­ter­nal use cases.

I am glad I had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to work on such a lar­ge pro­ject from the ground up, sin­ce I lear­ned a lot from it and I am still learning.

More ex­pe­ri­ence reports

Ju­ni­or Soft­ware Developer

Ju­ni­or Data In­te­gra­ti­on Specialist

Ju­ni­or IT In­fra­struc­tu­re Engineer

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