You are currently viewing Jana’s se­mes­ter ab­road in the <span class="caps">USA</span>

Jana’s se­mes­ter ab­road in the USA

Hel­lo! My name is Jana and I am curr­ent­ly spen­ding my 4th se­mes­ter in the Busi­ness Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on-Di­gi­tal Busi­ness Ma­nage­ment pro­gram at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ca­li­for­nia at Ri­ver­si­de. I have al­re­a­dy been stu­dy­ing at UCR sin­ce March 23. Here I have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to ex­pe­ri­ence the ty­pi­cal Ame­ri­can stu­dent life and get to know many stu­dents from all over the world. Bes­i­des that, the­re is of cour­se a lot of other things to dis­co­ver. I have al­re­a­dy vi­si­ted Los An­ge­les, Las Ve­gas, the Coa­chel­la Fes­ti­val and many can­yons like the Grand Can­yon. I am very gra­teful that I have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to stu­dy ab­road, and I can only re­com­mend ever­yo­ne to take the chan­ce if they have it. I am re­al­ly loo­king for­ward to spen­ding my last month here and ex­pe­ri­en­cing a lot more. 
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