You are currently viewing Vir­tu­al stu­dy info day 2020

Vir­tu­al stu­dy info day 2020

On Wed­nes­day, 18.11.2020 the stu­dy in­for­ma­ti­on day 2020 of the DHBW Lör­rach took place. Due to the cur­rent si­tua­ti­on, the event was not held on site, but on­line for the very first time. Tog­e­ther with our training ma­na­ger Kers­tin, we were able to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the event as one of the sel­ec­ted dual part­ner com­pa­nies. Pu­pils and in­te­res­ted stu­dents could in­form them­sel­ves about the dual stu­dy pro­gram and gain in­sights into the in­di­vi­du­al stu­dy pro­grams and stu­dent life at the Cam­pus Lörrach.

The event took place once in the mor­ning and once in the af­ter­noon, and each in­cluded a 90-mi­nu­te pro­gram. The who­le thing could be fol­lo­wed via a You­Tube live­stream. At the be­gin­ning, the Vice Rec­tor of the DHBW Lör­rach gave an over­view of the con­cept of dual stu­dies and the ran­ge of cour­ses of­fe­red. This was fol­lo­wed by a pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the dual part­ner com­pa­nies, each of which had a time slot of th­ree mi­nu­tes. Du­ring this time I in­tro­du­ced the TecAlliance and our cur­rent stu­dy pro­grams and re­por­ted about my ex­pe­ri­en­ces du­ring my studies.

De­spi­te the cur­rent si­tua­ti­on, many peo­p­le par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the event and we hope to have in­spi­red many peo­p­le for a dual stu­dy program.

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