Ex­pe­ri­ence Re­port Larissa

Pro­ject Engineer

Bachelor’s De­gree – What’s next?

Du­ring my last prac­ti­cal pha­se at TecAlliance I not only had to wri­te my ba­che­lor the­sis but I also had to think about the team and job in which I would like to work at TecAlliance af­ter my stu­dies. As I was al­re­a­dy in­te­res­ted in pro­ject ma­nage­ment at uni­ver­si­ty I de­ci­ded to take on the role of Ju­ni­or Re­qui­re­ments En­gi­neer in In­for­ma­ti­on Management.

Among­st other things, a Re­qui­re­ments En­gi­neer coll­ects cus­to­mer re­qui­re­ments for spe­ci­fic pro­jects. Sin­ce the cus­to­mers of In­for­ma­ti­on Ma­nage­ment are in­ter­nal I have a lot of cont­act to col­le­agues. Du­ring my stu­dies I have not yet spent any prac­ti­cal pha­se in this team. The­r­e­fo­re, I first had to get to know the ge­ne­ral ac­ti­vi­ties of In­for­ma­ti­on Ma­nage­ment and the team. In do­ing so many new to­pics and com­plex in­ter­re­la­ti­onships had to be un­ders­tood. I quick­ly rea­li­zed that I won’t be do­ing a clas­sic day-to-day busi­ness in my role but that the­re will be dif­fe­rent ac­ti­vi­ties every day.

That’s why on some days I’m busy con­duc­ting in­ter­views or gi­ving pre­sen­ta­ti­ons on va­rious to­pics and on other days I par­ti­ci­pa­te in va­rious mee­tings or think about pro­ject goals and pro­ject plan­ning. In this way I learn on the one hand how to work in a team and on the other hand how to plan a pro­ject. Of cour­se, tra­vel­ling is not miss­ing eit­her as my pro­ject col­le­ague works in Maas­tricht and we meet re­gu­lar­ly to ex­ch­an­ge ide­as. Du­ring the first few months it was a bit dif­fi­cult for me to un­der­stand all the to­pics and their de­pen­den­ci­es. But thanks to good sup­port and in­tro­duc­tion it is now ea­sier for me from month to month and I am also get­ting along bet­ter and bet­ter with as­sig­ning my own tasks and de­fi­ning the next steps in­de­pendent­ly. I am al­re­a­dy cu­rious to see how my ac­ti­vi­ties will ch­an­ge in the cour­se of the project.

La­ris­sa has now also com­ple­ted a Master´s de­gree at TecAlliance. Read her blog post here: Mas­ter at TecAlliance – La­ris­sa – TecAlliance Trai­nee Tracks

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