Ex­pe­ri­ence re­port Theresa

Pro­duct Mar­ke­ting Manager

I star­ted my pro­fes­sio­nal care­er in 2018 with a dual stu­dy pro­gram­me in on­line media at TecAlliance. I made this choice be­cau­se the cour­se is very broad and the­r­e­fo­re of­fers many op­por­tu­ni­ties for the fu­ture. This as­sump­ti­on was con­firm­ed du­ring my stu­dies, du­ring which I also com­ple­ted va­rious ac­ti­vi­ties in the prac­ti­cal pha­ses: crea­ti­on of e‑learning vi­de­os, front-end de­ve­lo­p­ment, UX ana­ly­sis of an exis­ting so­lu­ti­on and much more. But even af­ter my stu­dies, dif­fe­rent op­ti­ons were open as to which di­rec­tion I could de­ve­lop. In the end, af­ter fi­nis­hing my stu­dies in Oc­to­ber 2021, I was ta­ken on in the po­si­ti­on of Pro­duct Mar­ke­ting Ma­na­ger at the Or­der Ma­na­ger busi­ness unit. Sin­ce then, I have been able to de­ve­lop a lot, as I am now an in­te­gral part of a BU and have my own area of re­spon­si­bi­li­ty that I can help to shape. My tasks vary great­ly from quar­ter to quar­ter as we work ac­cor­ding to OKRs (Ob­jec­ti­ves and Key Re­sults) and the­r­e­fo­re our goals can ch­an­ge with the new quar­ter. As part of my po­si­ti­on, I work on or­ga­ni­s­ing events, crea­ting news­let­ters, de­ve­lo­ping com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on con­cepts for new pro­duct fea­tures, de­sig­ning pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and do­cu­men­ta­ti­ons, con­duc­ting cus­to­mer in­ter­views, etc. I like the fact that I have a lot of ex­pe­ri­ence in this field.

What I like about my job is that it is very va­ried and the­r­e­fo­re never bor­ing. In my po­si­ti­on, I come into cont­act with many dif­fe­rent col­le­agues wi­thin my BU, but also out­side of it, as I act as an in­ter­face bet­ween my BU and cen­tral mar­ke­ting. I also app­re­cia­te the au­to­no­mous work and the fle­xi­bi­li­ty that my job brings.

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