Ex­pe­ri­ence re­port Paul

Ju­ni­or Soft­ware Developer

Im­me­dia­te­ly af­ter com­ple­ting my training as an IT spe­cia­list for ap­pli­ca­ti­on de­ve­lo­p­ment, I was ac­cept­ed into a pro­ject team that de­ve­lo­ped an exis­ting soft­ware from scratch. The tran­si­ti­on was re­la­tively seam­less. Ho­we­ver, it took some time to get it up and run­ning, be­cau­se for the first time I was working 100 per­cent pro­duc­tively on the code. At the be­gin­ning, most dif­fi­cul­ties were in cor­rect­ly esti­mat­ing the ef­fort re­qui­red for a re­qui­re­ment and sche­du­ling the right time for im­ple­men­ta­ti­on ac­cor­din­gly. Ho­we­ver, this im­pro­ves as ex­pe­ri­ence in­crea­ses. In ad­di­ti­on, one has much more cont­act with soft­ware pro­blems and er­rors, but one also ex­ch­an­ges in­for­ma­ti­on in­ten­si­ve­ly with col­le­agues and lear­ns fas­ter and faster.

Af­ter an­o­ther ch­an­ge to an­o­ther pro­ject, I now work con­ti­nuous­ly with de­ve­lo­pers from other count­ries. This not only helps you to im­pro­ve your Eng­lish skills –  you also get to know new per­spec­ti­ves on cer­tain ques­ti­ons. In the new pro­ject I am now working in the ba­ckend (ser­ver side) as well as in the front­end (cli­ent side).

Pro­duc­ti­ve work is de­man­ding, but abo­ve all it is also sti­mu­la­ting. Thanks to re­gu­lar mee­tings, you ex­ch­an­ge ide­as with col­le­agues and also have a good con­nec­tion to each other. This is also whe­re the dif­fe­rent are­as of in­te­rest come tog­e­ther, which ma­ni­fests its­elf in an ex­ten­si­ve pool of in­for­ma­ti­on and ex­pe­ri­ence – from which you can draw tog­e­ther. The working at­mo­sphe­re is a va­ried mix­tu­re of hu­mour and pro­fes­sio­nal se­rious­ness – with a hint of gam­ing jar­gon – and the­r­e­fo­re very pleasant.


More ex­pe­ri­ence reports

Ju­ni­or Soft­ware Developer

Ju­ni­or Data In­te­gra­ti­on Specialist

Re­se­arch Engineer

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