Sum­mer Fes­ti­val 2023 at Brückenbaron

Last weekend, the employees of the Weikersheim location gathered with joyful anticipation for the Summer Festival 2023 at Brückenbaron. The venue offered a picturesque view and a cozy atmosphere. The…

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In­tern­ship work­shop in Cologne

The 5-day workshop in Cologne began on July 10, 2023, at 9 a.m. with a presentation about the company and a subsequent tour of the building.  After a brief introduction…

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With en­thu­si­asm into pro­fes­sio­nal life

Completion and new beginning: An exciting future awaits us at TecAlliance! The first thrilling chapter of our professional journey has reached its climax - we have successfully completed our education!…

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